It all sounds convincing, you just have a few more questions? See if you can find the answer below.


Stuff about cred­it cards, pay­ments, sub­scrip­tions, can­cel­la­tions and so on…

waya­head is offered as a SAAS solu­tion which is paid per month per per year.

Yes! The sub­scriber will receive a PDF tax invoice for every sin­gle pay­ment via email. The invoice is issued at the same time the pay­ment is charged on your cred­it card.

Recur­ring sub­scrip­tion pay­ments are always made via a cred­it card in the sys­tem at the start of each term – no excep­tions made.

For one off pay­ments, e.g. for cus­tom devel­op­ment, we will ask if a charge can be made on the stored cred­it card – this is always our pref­er­ences – but if you pre­fer, you can also pay with a bank transfer.

waya­head does­n’t store your cred­it card details. All invoic­es are issued out of our Stripe account. That means all cred­it cards are stored and charged by Stripe, not waya­head. We don’t save your cred­it card details, not even the last 4 dig­its. Don’t want them. Don’t need them.

Stripe is a pay­ment ser­vices provider that lets mer­chants accept cred­it and deb­it cards or oth­er pay­ments, used by mil­lions of busi­ness­es of all sizes around the globe. They with with com­pa­nies such as Book​ing​.com, Deliv­ery, WeTrans­fer and… of course Stream­time. So waya­head is in great company!

You bet you can! Any­one who com­mits to pay­ing 12 months upfront, receives a 10% dis­count for that commitment.

Not sure yet if you’ll want to keep using waya­head for 12 months? Then start with a month­ly sub­scrip­tion. You can switch forth and back between month­ly and annu­al­ly when­ev­er you want.

Nope. No refunds!

If you’re charged on the 5th of March for a month and decide to stop using waya­head by the 15th, you won’t get a refund for the refund for the 20 days remain­ing on the plan. No big deal. The same applies for an annu­al sub­scrip­tion. Think twice before com­mit­ting to an annu­al plan.


You can can­cel your sub­scrip­tion any time you want. When do, you’ll still have access to the app for the remain­der of the sub­scrip­tion period.

So on month­ly plans, you can can­cel every month – even the first month – on annu­al plans, you can can­cel every year.

The sub­scrip­tion can only be can­celled by the admin­is­tra­tor via the waya­head appli­ca­tion (Set­up > waya­head Plan > click the sub­scrip­tion card). Note that you must can­cel the sub­scrip­tion before the next payment!

Not pay­ing out­stand­ing invoic­es is not the same as cancelling.

Custom Development

Info about cus­tom reports and how they come about.

Sure, as long as the data exists in an app that is acces­si­ble through a stan­dard RESTAPI, that should­n’t be a prob­lem. Just get in touch to dis­cuss the details.

Only your com­pa­ny gets to access and use a cus­tom report you com­mis­sioned. The report will nev­er be shared with any oth­er com­pa­nies with­out your consent.

After work­out the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of what has to be built, we will issue a pro­pos­al with the exact cost. This is based on the num­ber of work­ing hours at our hourly devel­op­ment rate.

Because your report becomes avail­able inside the waya­head suite you ben­e­fit from the basics of the plat­form that already exist, such as secu­ri­ty, login, access priv­i­leges, the con­nec­tion with Stream­time and much more.

The first year after deliv­er­ing the cus­tom devel­op­ment, there is no main­te­nance fee to be paid. From the sec­ond year onwards, a main­te­nance fee of 10% of the devel­op­ment cost is due at the start of every year, for ongo­ing host­ing, sup­port and main­te­nance of your report. The main­te­nance fee is charged in full for the entire year.

Cus­tomers who have a waya­head sub­scrip­tion do not have to pay this main­te­nance fee dur­ing the time they have a subscription.

Data storage and security

If you have con­cerns around which data waya­head stores or has access to.

Once con­nect­ed to Stream­time, waya­head can be used to fetch data from all API end­points in Stream­time. While there are no lim­i­ta­tions in the API, you don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly have to give all of your staff access to all that data. waya­head lets you choose which user can access which report, so you can still hide sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion from those who should­n’t see it.

No. While we can get access to the data via the API, we can not log in to Stream­time to con­sult and mod­i­fy the data in the same way as you. In any case, the data is only every con­sult­ed for sup­port or devel­op­ment purposes.

No, waya­head does not store the data retrieved from Stream­time. Sure, it could make cer­tain reports faster to run, but we’d always be look­ing at an old snap­shot of the infor­ma­tion – we don’t want that.

Some reports do save lit­tle bits of data that can’t be held in Stream­time, but this is kept to a min­i­mum, usu­al­ly just anonymised data based on the unique IDs of the relat­ed records in Stream­time. E.g. waya­head fore­casts will be stored using the job id, fore­cast amount and month. Or the Con­tri­bu­tion report stores an invoice id, order id and whether or not one is billed out on the other.