Optimize your worflow more efficient, faster and more useful
Light Plan
1 report
Unlimited users
Unlimited runs
Free support & training
Standard Plan
All reports
Unlimited users
Unlimited runs
Free support & training
Combine with existing reports
Custom Plan
All reports
Unlimited users
Unlimited runs
Free support & training
Combine with existing reports
Custom integrations with other apps
Get in touch and tell us how we can help
All payments are made with a credit card and you’ll receive an invoice for each payment via email. Prices are fixed and company wide, irrespective of how often you run the reports, how many users you have in Streamtime or how many people use the reports.
Why wayahead?
Sure, the wayahead subscription comes on top of your Streamtime subscription. Here are a few reasons why you should consider it:
- Agencies already waste countless hours exporting data to Excel or Google docs to create custom reports, management summaries and forecasts. €100 is roughly the equivalent cost of a person working 3 hours. Some agencies spend that time every week. Others have a team of account managers each spending that time every month. Using wayahead you can save time!
- Don’t wait till month’s end to get your reports. Because reporting can be time consuming agencies usually only run their reports once a month, essentially when it’s too late to take appropriate action for that month. Because running reports hardly takes up any time, wayahead allows you to keep a finger on the pulse and run them more often.
- If you think about the information that could be useful to run your studio, you can come up with a number of great ideas. But putting these ideas to action takes up time. So you might focus one the key data. wayahead gives you insights you previously didn’t have through wide range of industry standard reports and metrics you might not be using today.
Still not convinced? Just sign up for a free 30-day trial. There is hardly any configuration to get started and you’ll soon understand the value it offers for your business.