New Forecast

The new forecast in wayahead is a major update from the previous version, based on the feedback existing users. Key changes involve better handling of expenses, clever summaries, custom footer totals and easier ways to insert the data.

The new forecast is awesome – the team are loving all the new features. Thanks!!


Inserting expenses and purchase orders

Expens­es and orders from Stream­time can now auto­mat­i­cal­ly be inject­ed in the waya­head Fore­cast, allow­ing you to accu­rate­ly work out the con­tri­bu­tion (rev­enue – direct cost of sales) for each month. Improved colour cod­ing bring clar­i­ty in the dif­fer­ent pill types and by link­ing expens­es to income, you can even make the expens­es auto­mat­i­cal­ly move to the cor­rect month.

Custom Footer Summaries

Do you tag your pipeline projects with a prob­a­bil­i­ty label in Stream­time? Or do you have dif­fer­ent types of work that you would like to sum­marise dif­fer­ent­ly in the fore­cast? You can now set up your own cus­tom foot­ers in waya­head, spec­i­fy the labels used, name and colour code each line and you can spec­i­fy a prob­a­bil­i­ty % to prop­er­ly weight the val­ue of each draft invoice or fore­cast in the app.

Better Chart

A larg­er vari­ety of fore­cast ele­ments also called for an improve­ment in the fore­cast chart. The chart now shows both income and expens­es, each bro­ken down by sta­tus, includ­ing a bet­ter tooltip to clar­i­fy each of the figures.

Clever data entry

waya­head already allows you to add fore­cast items based on fixed amounts or as a % of the bud­get. But now you can also see the job plan from Stream­time and auto­mat­i­cal­ly insert new val­ues based on job items or phas­es. Just select what you’re going to bill and click to insert a new pill.

For more info and a detailed list of all the changes, please check out the knowl­edge base or get in touch.
