New Forecast
The new forecast in wayahead is a major update from the previous version, based on the feedback existing users. Key changes involve better handling of expenses, clever summaries, custom footer totals and easier ways to insert the data.
The new forecast is awesome – the team are loving all the new features. Thanks!!
Inserting expenses and purchase orders
Expenses and orders from Streamtime can now automatically be injected in the wayahead Forecast, allowing you to accurately work out the contribution (revenue – direct cost of sales) for each month. Improved colour coding bring clarity in the different pill types and by linking expenses to income, you can even make the expenses automatically move to the correct month.
Custom Footer Summaries
Do you tag your pipeline projects with a probability label in Streamtime? Or do you have different types of work that you would like to summarise differently in the forecast? You can now set up your own custom footers in wayahead, specify the labels used, name and colour code each line and you can specify a probability % to properly weight the value of each draft invoice or forecast in the app.
Better Chart
A larger variety of forecast elements also called for an improvement in the forecast chart. The chart now shows both income and expenses, each broken down by status, including a better tooltip to clarify each of the figures.
Clever data entry
wayahead already allows you to add forecast items based on fixed amounts or as a % of the budget. But now you can also see the job plan from Streamtime and automatically insert new values based on job items or phases. Just select what you’re going to bill and click to insert a new pill.
For more info and a detailed list of all the changes, please check out the knowledge base or get in touch.
Reporting in Google Sheets
You can use Google Sheet's built in functions to create your own custom reports with Streamtime data that's always up to date. Importhtml simply calls a website/web app and fills in the returned table in the sheet.
New Interface
wayahead has a new interface! There is now more room on the page for the information that really matters: your reports! Especially on smaller the difference will be significant. And the new wayahead house style colours get a more prominent place!