New Interface

wayahead has a new interface! There is now more room on the page for the information that really matters: your reports! Especially on smaller the difference will be significant. And the new wayahead house style colours get a more prominent place!

The old lay­out had a wide side pan­el, where the user would choose a report from the list. Addi­tion­al­ly, the old inter­ace had quite some padding around the con­tent of each page.

In the new ver­sion, the side pan­el has been reduced to a min­i­mum, with col­lapsi­ble menu’s as you hov­er over each report­ing sec­tion. The space around each page has also been min­imised, leav­ing max­i­mal screen real estate for the actu­al report!

The user menu, set­up menu and sup­port were moved to the bot­tom left cor­ner of the page, mak­ing it con­sis­tent, not just with oth­er mod­ern day inter­faces, but most­ly with that oth­er one you are so famil­iar with: Stream­time. Of course, the set­up menu will still only be avail­able to com­pa­ny admin­is­tra­tors. This puts every­thing togeth­er in the most obvi­ous loca­tion on the page.

New interface support menu
New interface user menu