NEW REPORT: Email timesheets

wayahead already offers a number of convenient timesheet reports, such as the Staff Report. But now we just made it even simpler!

You don’t have to go through the effort of log­ging into the app to check the team’s timesheet sta­tus any­more. From now on, you can just choose to get reports emailed to you as a PDF on a week­ly basis through our automa­tion section.

Weekly Utilisation report

When set­ting up a sched­ule, you can choose what day(s) of the week you want to get the report. You may want a sum­ma­ry on Fri­day after­noon or on Mon­day morn­ing or both!

You can also choose who the report is sent to. This can either be a pre­de­fined list of team mem­bers, such as your account man­agers, or it can auto­mat­i­cal­ly be sent to those the app sub­tly refers to as the slack­ers’ – no dis­re­spect ;-): this is any­one who has com­plet­ed less than 95% of their timesheets.

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You can set up mul­ti­ple sched­ules, each with its own paramters: what day of the week, when to send and who to send it to. So on Fri­day night a report could go out to the pro­duc­tion man­ag­er. Then on Mon­day morn­ing a reminder could go to the slack­ers! And on Mon­day night the pro­duc­tion man­ag­er could get a final email to ver­i­fy that the slack­ers have com­plet­ed their timesheets that day… I know… that is so cool! 

Last­ly, you can also send these emails man­u­al­ly for any giv­en week in the past, even includ­ing staff that was since hibernated!
