Product Update: 10 April 2020

This release has a huge number of improvements across the entire system!

Staff Utilisation

  • Now allows you to exclude non work­ing hours. Non work­ing hours are defined in the pref­er­ences and are based on a job label.
    Let’s say Don­ny usu­al­ly works 40hrs a week and has a bill­able tar­get of 30hrs. But this week, on the job labelled Time Off”, he is set to be away for 2 days.
    The util­i­sa­tion report will show those 2 days in grey and adjust the work­ing hours for those days.
    It will also adjust the week­ly tar­get to 24hrs and the bill­able tar­get to 18hrs.
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  • When click­ing the graph, the details win­dow also has colour codes now to make the type of each time entry clear.

Items Report

  • The items report now allows sort­ing by dif­fer­ent columns, such as item name and there’s a but­ton to reset the sorting/​grouping by job name.
  • Items and per­for­mance reports exclude all non bill­able and sales hours by default, so that per­for­mance is mea­sured on the work that mat­ters most. A new option in the fil­ters allows you to turn them back on.
  • Items report now shows totals for logged time, planned time and sched­uled todos at the bot­tom of the table.

Capacity Report

  • The capac­i­ty can now be analysed both based on planned items as well as sched­uled todos. There is a new tab show­ing sched­uled todos for the select peri­od – bro­ken down by bill­able, non­bill­able and sales time – and gives you the avail­able time per per­son and per team. So now capacity.
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  • The capac­i­ty report still excludes non work­ing time (leave, hol­i­day, sick­ness) from the avail­able totals.
  • Unas­signed items/​todos and No team will always show at the end of the list.

Jobs Report

The Bill­able Time this month now shows even more details on all levels

  • The non work­ing hours for the month (up to today), what % of the total time is bill­able, non bill­able and sales, % of time record­ed until today and % of pro­ject­ed result.
  • The miss­ing time will also con­vert cor­rect­ly to over­time in case you have record­ed more hours than have passed this month. The text will colour red or blue accordingly.
  • Val­ue of miss­ing time, tar­get, pro­ject­ed and max poten­tial now use each staff member’s spe­cif­ic sell rate, rather than the team’s aver­age rate.
    So for logged time the rate in the time entry is used. For every­thing else, the staff member’s sell rate from Streamtime
  • Hov­er over each val­ue to see a break­down of the results. This will help you under­stand the num­bers a lot better.
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  • Val­ue of new jobs and active jobs now have cor­rect cur­ren­cy formatting.

Forecast Report

  • Auto­mat­i­cal­ly excludes non bill­able jobs. Only bill­able jobs and sales jobs (e.g. pitch) are included.
  • Graphs now show cur­ren­cy for­mat­ted labels.
  • The Xero inte­gra­tion now lets you choose the name of the sales bud­gets. The default is Sales’, but if you changed it, you can now match that in the waya­head preferences.

Email Timesheet Report

  • When send­ing an email to the slack­ers – any­one who hasn’t com­plet­ed 95% of their timesheets for the week – they will each receive an indi­vid­ual html email, instead of a PDF to all.
  • You can include a cus­tom mes­sage to the slack­ers message.
  • The email to the slack­ers will include how much worse’ a per­son is doing in com­par­i­son to the team’s aver­age. If the team has record­ed 97% of time on aver­age for the week and I’m at 30%, my mes­sage will say I and 67% below the team aver­age.
    If you are doing bet­ter than the team aver­age, waya­head doesn’t men­tion it…
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  • The email timesheet report also con­tains an extra col­umn for time off work and has adjust­ed cal­cu­la­tions to exclude this time from the targets.
  • This report now also con­tains subto­tals per team as well as a grand total at the bottom.

The email timesheet report also contains an extra column for time off work and has adjusted calculations to exclude this time from the targets. This report now also contains subtotals per team as well as a grand total at the bottom.

  • Also takes into account time off work, shows this in a sep­a­rate col­umn and has adjust­ed cal­cu­la­tions for the targets.
  • Minor bug fix­es in the graphs of the finan­cial overview
  • This report also shows a break­down of rev­enue for the last 3 months by client and account man­ag­er (if applic­a­ble – see pref­er­ences). It only’ shows 3 months, because that data is already loaded for the finan­cial overview.
Management Report Revenue

General Improvements

  • The Stream­time con­nec­tion wiz­ard now con­tains the most rel­e­vant pref­er­ences fields so every­thing can be con­fig­ured in 1 go.
  • When updat­ing staff details, the bill­able tar­get is recal­cu­lat­ed accord­ing­ly. So Don­ny was work­ing 40hrs and 30hrs bill­able. When you adjust his work­ing days to 24hrs in Stream­time, the wiz­ard will not only update that in waya­head, but also adjust the bill­able tar­get accord­ing­ly to 18hrs.
  • App is now show­ing prop­er page titles, so pages are eas­i­er to iden­ti­fy with mul­ti­ple tabs open.
  • My Pro­file now allows you to choose a favourite report: after you log in, which report should you be tak­en to, instead of the dashboard?
  • My Pro­file also allows you to choose the Wiz­ard as a favourite. That way, Stream­time staff details are updat­ed every time you log in to the app.
  • No more annoy­ing mes­sages every time team details (team name, bill­able tar­get) are changed.
  • There is now a but­ton to recon­nect your Xero account.
  • Some reports were show­ing neg­a­tive time val­ues as ‘-4h-30m’ rather than ‘-4h30m’
  • Bug fix­es in auto­mat­ed reports. Some­times miss­ing staff details would make run­ning the report fail.