Product Update 5 September 2019

Lots of changes have been made to the app in the recent weeks, here’s a list:


  • Invite your team mem­bers to waya­head from with­in the staff setting.
  • Bet­ter account sta­tus mes­sages. You’ll clear­ly see when the tri­al is run­ning out or when it’s expired.
  • Bet­ter error handling
  • Spin­ners have been added to sev­er­al reports to block the inter­face while data is load­ing and being processed.
  • Delete report users if they should no longer have access to the app.

Staff Report

  • Inner most cir­cle now shows total time record­ed for the week instead of person’s initials.
  • A new tiny graph shows the bill­able tar­get for each per­son, so you can see who has reached their bill­able target.
  • Changed sum­ma­ry details in modal, mak­ing sure it has all rel­e­vant numbers.
  • Added fil­ter by Team and by Per­son so if you have a large team, you don’t have to scroll through the entire list if you’re only look­ing for the peo­ple in your department.

Invoice Prof­it

  • Speed improve­ments by fetch­ing less data from Streamtime.
  • Added graph mon­ht­ly for rev­enue by client. This shows you who the largest clients are and lets you com­pare month to month.
  • Added list for total rev­enue by client, so you can now com­pare who the top clients are for both rev­enue and gross profit.
  • Updat­ed colour coding.


  • Updat­ed colour cod­ing for con­sis­ten­cy with oth­er reports.


  • The jobs dash­board now reports on active jobs by default.
  • Added team fil­ter to Bill­able Hours This month, so you can com­pare how indi­vid­ual teams are performing
  • Added but­tons to see pre­vi­ous month, so you can still see the month’s results even after the month has ticked over.
  • Bet­ter infor­ma­tion explain­ing what rate is used to cal­cu­late the dif­fer­ent amounts.


  • Issue with active quotes resolved. Was show­ing all quotes rather than just the active ones.