Product Updates: March/April/May 2021

Over the last few months a number of small and larger product updates have taken place across the app. A major upgrade in May includes a number of essential upgrades to all underlying libraries used in wayahead, such as the Chart.js library. These upgrades were necessary for performance and security improvements, bug fixes and adding new functionality. In the last update there is lots of attention to details, fixing minor issues in the interface, adding tiny improvements and adding more consistency between various reports.

Here's a list of modifications per area:

Util­i­sa­tion Report

  • The util­i­sa­tion now shows a grid of 3 peo­ple in the page width rather than 2, mak­ing bet­ter use of those nice big monitors.
  • Util­i­sa­tion can now include incom­plete todos, so you can see what the week’s util­i­sa­tion looks like before the week is over!
  • Fixed vis­i­bil­i­ty of the tooltips when over­ing over the dough­nut graphs

Jobs Report

  • Bug fix­es to Top 5 Jobs this year.
  • The API now returns the job com­ple­tion date, so Top 5 Jobs now uses that instead of the cre­ation date.
  • The job report uses the sum of issued invoic­es, rather than all invoices.
  • In the jobs list modal, you can use the tog­gle to visu­alise the sum of the job’s draft invoices.

Out­put Timesheets Report

  • When you change the descrip­tion on an indi­vid­ual todo, you can now choose to have those changes saved back in Streamtime.
  • When you remove a todo from the report, you can choose to tag that todo in Stream­time, so it does­n’t show up in the report again (waya­head adds a string of text in the descrip­tion of the todo).
  • Bug fix where the default stylesheet was not loaded for all companies.
  • The tog­gles to show and hide hours, cost, sell, type are now used for the out­put as well, mak­ing sure the PDF looks the same as the on screen report.
  • Datepick­er styling issues fixed

Items / Per­for­mance Report

  • You can now fil­ter these reports by job labels for job type, account man­ag­er, inter­nal, sales and non work­ing time.
  • Items report does not list in mul­ti­ple pages any­more, mak­ing it eas­i­er to view/​print.
  • Some finan­cial columns were added to the items report.

Fore­cast Report

  • You can now add job expenses/​orders direct­ly to the job. Just click the job finances for more details and scroll down to the list­ed expens­es. Now tick on the expens­es you wish to add to the fore­cast and press the blue but­ton. waya­head auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates one cost item with the total of all ticked expenses.
  • Some minor improve­ments to the inter­face: The but­tons to add items on the pre­vi­ous 2 months were removed, some addi­tion­al colour for­mat­ting in the fil­ters, so it’s eas­i­er to make the con­nec­tion between the fil­ter and the data.

Invoice Con­tri­bu­tion Report

  • Inter­face improve­ments, such as colour codes for job sta­tus, totals now cal­cu­lat­ed on all columns.
  • New fil­ters, con­stant with oth­er reports, allow you to fil­ter the report by account man­ag­er and sta­tus. The sta­tus refers to the val­i­da­tion of each invoice.

Job Prof­it Recovery

  • This report now auto­mat­i­cal­ly uses the job com­ple­tion date from Stream­time. The option to choose between start and due date was removed, sim­pli­fy­ing the interface.
  • Dif­fer­ent ter­mi­nol­o­gy used on the graphs: non recov­ered val­ue’ in case you over ser­viced / over­charged val­ue’ in case you under serviced.

Dead­lines Report

  • This report now shows 3 types of cal­en­dar items: Jobs, Items and Milestones.
  • Just hov­er the cal­en­dar item for more details and click to view it in Streamtime.
  • Cal­en­dar items are retrieved for 1 month only, mak­ing the report slight­ly faster.

Email Man­age­ment Report

  • Datepick­er styling issues fixed
  • When choos­ing the time to edit a sched­ule, a mes­sage will appear say­ing what that time is in your cur­rent time zone. This makes it eas­i­er to work out what time to choose.
  • Bug fix­es in report, cer­tain data was misaligned.
  • This report now out­puts a .csv of the raw timesheet data, along with the report, so you can cre­ate your own month­ly, quar­ter­ly or annu­al reports.

Email Timesheet Report

  • Datepick­er styling issues fixed
  • When choos­ing the time to edit a sched­ule, a mes­sage will appear say­ing what that time is in your cur­rent time zone. This makes it eas­i­er to work out what time to choose.
  • This report now out­puts a .csv of the raw timesheet data, along with the report, so you can cre­ate your own month­ly, quar­ter­ly or annu­al reports.
  • You can now choose which teams are to be includ­ed in the report. That way you can set up a sched­ule to send out a report to a team­leader, includ­ing only timesheet data for his or her staff.

Gen­er­al Changes

Staff Updates

  • waya­head now checks and com­pares your Stream­time staff list every time you log in and every time the week­ly timesheet report runs. This way you get noti­fied auto­mat­i­cal­ly when action is required. Changes are not applied auto­mat­i­cal­ly, because you may wish to run cer­tain reports based on the old con­fig­u­ra­tion (e.g. last mon­th’s man­age­ment report based on last mon­th’s work­ing day’s months)
    You will receive an email list­ing the changes that were found and you can sim­ply click a link in the email to fix those changes in wayahead.
  • You can now set your team’s bill­able tar­get either by fill­ing in the hours or a %. So if some­one works a 40hr week, you can enter a bill­able tar­get of 30” or 75%”.
  • In the user set­up (who has access to waya­head), you can select if peo­ple can see the cost figures.

Account Set­tings

  • Bet­ter han­dling of over­due pay­ments. If waya­head could­n’t charge your sub­scrip­tion on your card, you were locked out auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Now there is a short grace peri­od, giv­ing you time to fix the problem.

Stream­time API

  • There were also some major changes in the Stream­time API in the recent weeks and months. For instance, in how many records waya­head can fetch from the API in one call has been updat­ed from 200 to 500 records at once. Hav­ing to make less API calls, makes waya­head faster over­all, par­tic­u­lar­ly on the data heavy reports.
  • Anoth­er exam­ple is the recent changes to the Stream­time logged times end­point, which now returns data more than 10 times faster than in pre­vi­ous versions.
  • New fea­tures in API used in dif­fer­ent reports, such as invoic­ing infor­ma­tion and com­ple­tion date on jobs, mile­stones, etc. 

Library Updates

There were updates in the under­ly­ing data struc­ture and libraries through­out the appli­ca­tion for:

  • Stripe library (pay­ment engine)
  • Chartjs
  • Datat­a­bles
  • Boot­strap
  • Datepick­er
  • Dayjs