Product Updates: May 2020

This article covers a serieus of updates throughout the month of May. There are some major updates to the forecast and heaps of small improvements all across the app!

  • The Fore­cast Report now allows for both pos­i­tive fore­casts, i.e. rev­enue, as well as neg­a­tive fore­casts, i.e. third par­ty costs. This essen­tial­ly means that the Fore­cast Report is now a Prof­it Fore­cast Report and not just a Rev­enue Fore­cast report. The inter­face changes as soon as you enter neg­a­tive amounts, break­ing the results up on rev­enue, cost and gross profit!
  • Over­all the fore­cast is also a lot more user friend­ly, dis­play­ing the head­ers and the foot­ers simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and allow­ing for hor­i­zon­tal scrolling. To avoid acci­den­tal entries, you now dou­ble click to either add or change an exist­ing pill.

We made a train­ing video on the new fore­cast to help you find your way around!

  • Addi­tion­al­ly, if a job has a miss­ing sales bud­get, you can now mod­i­fy the job bud­get and save it back to Stream­time direct­ly from the Fore­cast and you can set a max­i­mum third par­ty bud­get for each job!
    The graphs can then show you both bud­get­ed against fore­cast­ed results, to make sure you don’t run into any surprises!
  • Bet­ter Xero inte­gra­tion: You can now pull in the sum of sales bud­get tar­gets from Xero from mul­ti­ple rev­enue and sales accounts. waya­head lets you choose which accounts to add togeth­er as a sales tar­get to com­pare to the sales forecast.
  • You can now per­son­alise the reports that are emailed out with your own com­pa­ny logo, via the report­ing pref­er­ences.
    And you can choose your own avatar pic­ture via My Profile.
  • The time entry sec­tion in the month­ly man­age­ment report now also con­tains totals per team as well as a grand total.
  • The jobs report has an impor­tant change in the sense that, to cal­cu­late the month’s max­i­mum avail­able hours, it will look into the future to see if any more time off work is planned in. This makes both the max hours avail­able as well as the pro­ject­ed bill­able result more accu­rate right from the start.
    Fur­ther improve­ments were made to the popovers, show­ing even more details as well as clear­er com­ments on what all the num­bers mean.
    On top of that, you can also down­load the raw time entry data from the job report set­tings menu in case you wish to make some fur­ther cal­cu­la­tions of your own.

Over­all improve­ments around the app include:

  • The Items/​Performance report, was made more responsive
  • Con­sis­ten­cy in colour cod­ing across the reports
  • Improve­ments to the styling on out­put timesheets
  • Fix on search­ing and out­putting timesheets when search­ing by labels.
  • Reports that allow searching/​filtering by account man­ag­er, now allow for both account man­ag­er labels on the com­pa­ny as well as on the job.
  • The remem­ber me’ func­tion was improved so that it… err… actu­al­ly remem­bers you. This means get­ting logged out less frequently.
  • New users invit­ed to waya­head do not auto­mat­i­cal­ly become administrators.