VIDEO: Boosting Streamtime’s reporting power with wayahead

Here is a recording from a webinar hosted by Streamtime in January 2020 where we discuss wayahead.

In the webi­nar we cov­er some of the key reports in waya­head: Staff Util­i­sa­tion, Rev­enue Prof­it, Rev­enue Fore­cast­ing and Automation

Spe­cial thanks to Pad­dy and Poli at Streamtime!

Dis­cov­er waya­head, a pow­er­ful report­ing tool, built specif­i­cal­ly for Stream­time. Learn how to analyse team util­i­sa­tion against set tar­gets, view prof­itabil­i­ty by client, and auto­mate process around chas­ing timesheets in this spe­cial webi­nar with its cre­ator, Miel De Rycke.
