Annual Revenue
This report graphs out all time revenue per financial year, to let you detect variances in the seasonality. That way you can visualise if certain periods are stronger or weaker than the same period in a previous financial year.
- Graph out revenue by financial year
- See table of invoice total by month per financial year.
- Filter the results to include or exclude certain clients or job labels.
- Toggle the report to see revenue or contribution.
Revenue graph
The graph plots out one line for each financial year, showing the revenue month after month. By comparing the results between years, you can spot relevant variances. You may see you’ve got an exceptionally strong end of the year. Or that February wasn’t as dramatic as you though, because last year’s February was just exceptionally great.
Revenue Table
The table shows the revenue total for each month of each financial year. This report automatically goes back in time as far as you have invoices in Streamtime. When you click an amount in the overview, the app scrolls down to the list of invoices for that month, so you can find out exactly what was billed.
You can filter this report by one or multiple client names and job labels. That way you could find out what you’ve billed for a specific client or a specific job type over the years. But the filters can also be reversed. What would your revenue have looked like if it wasn’t for a certain client? The summary table and graph will update with relevant information.
Revenue or contribution
Use the toggles to switch the reporting mode from revenue to contribution. Note that the contribution view will only work if all invoices have been validated using the Invoice Contribution report.