Product Updates: July 2020

This post gives a detailed overview of all the changes that were made in wayahead in June and July 2020.

First of all, the Annu­al Rev­enue Report has a num­ber of great improvements:

  • There is now an option to fil­ter by client name and job label. You can find the fil­ter icon at the top left of the report. When apply­ing fil­ters you can choose to include or exclude spe­cif­ic cus­tomers or labels. This way you can find answers to ques­tions like:
    – how much did we invoice in Print over the last few years?
    – how much turnover did we do across the com­pa­ny, except in Print?
    – What would our turnover look like if we lost client A or B?
  • It now shows a list of relat­ed invoic­es at the bot­tom of the page. Invoic­es are grouped and totalled by month.
  • It also has improved nav­i­ga­tion. Click any val­ue in the Overview to scroll to the details at the bot­tom. Then press the but­ton at the bot­tom right to go back to the top of the page.
  • All data can be out­put and export­ed to PDF/​Excel/​… (via the menu at the top right)

Improve­ments to timesheet reports across the board:

  • In the Team Pref­er­ences > Stream­time Team, you can now choose to exclude cer­tain staff mem­bers from all reports. This is use­ful for dum­my users (e.g. for plan­ning) or spe­cif­ic staff mem­bers (e.g. the accoun­tant) who nev­er record time in Stream­time any­way. These changes apply to the Util­i­sa­tion, the Jobs report, the week­ly timesheet PDF email and the month­ly man­age­ment report.
  • Improve­ments to Slack­ers emails: A slack­er is a … eehm, tech­ni­cal term… we use for peo­ple who aren’t com­plet­ing their timesheets. The goal is to send those peo­ple reminder emails. By default, if you don’t com­plete 95% of the avail­able time each week, waya­head will give you a friend­ly nudge.
    But now you can change the thresh­old your­self. You may not be as strict and be hap­py with 80% of the week account­ed for. Or you could send out mul­ti­ple slack­er emails. One on Wednes­day night, where we expect 55% and anoth­er on Fri­day night where we expect 95% of the week completed.
  • In the Util­i­sa­tion report, some users would see the avatar cir­cle (coloured cir­cle inside the round graph), shift­ed up and mis­aligned. This was hap­pen­ing in Fire­fox and in some cas­es also in Chrome. This is fixed now.


  • A while ago we intro­duced the cus­tomi­sa­tion of your logo in the PDF emails. You can upload an image at the bot­tom of the Report­ing Preferences.
  • In the first ver­sion all logos would come out at 100x100px. But waya­head now allows you to upload rec­tan­gu­lar logos too. What­ev­er size you upload, if it’s larg­er than 150px in the small­est size, it will resize automatically.

Improve­ments to Capac­i­ty Report

  • The Capac­i­ty report now breaks down the planned time in nor­mal’, over­due and no due. Nor­mal means all items that have a due date in the future. Over­due obvi­ous­ly means items with a due date in the past and no due is every­thing with­out a due date. You can use the tog­gles to remove each cat­e­go­ry indi­vid­u­al­ly to suit your needs.
  • There is also an option to exclude paused jobs. This only applies to jobs that are com­plete­ly paused, not indi­vid­ual items with­in jobs in play. The goal is to hide pipeline jobs, await­ing approval, but not in pro­duc­tion yet.
  • The item details respond smarter to all fil­ters. Not only will the items be hid­den based on the check­box­es for over­due, no due and paused jobs, it will also hide them based on the date slider.
  • There were also some bug fix­es, e.g. the colours of the graphs were reversed and in some cas­es, the planned time wasn’t cal­cu­lat­ed cor­rect­ly. That’s fixed now.

Improve­ments to the Fore­cast Report

  • The fil­ters were improved mak­ing it faster to only show your own jobs. In case there are more than 2 account man­agers, a but­ton will appear to check or uncheck all.
  • There was some con­fu­sion around the invoice total at the bot­tom of the table. A tooltip was added to make it clear this does not just show total for the list­ed jobs, but may also include archived jobs not list­ed anymore.

Out­put Timesheets

  • Extra styling options (class­es) were added to the time table, allow­ing you to use CSS to fur­ther cus­tomise the look and feel based on sta­tus (com­plet­ed / incom­plete) or type (bill­able / non bill­able / sales).
  • An extra col­umn was added for type (bill­able / non bill­able / sales), which can be tog­gled to show or hide.
  • The report can also be grouped by type now.
  • It is now pos­si­ble to save the report direct­ly as a PDF, rather than send­ing it as an email. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful if you want to use a time report inter­nal­ly, e.g. to see details of what’s planned for the next week, or to get a list of incom­plete todos in the past.

Over­all changes

  • Improved error han­dling overall.
  • Resolved issue where pass­word reset would fail if the user had 2 accounts.
  • Improved error han­dling with new API lim­its in Stream­time, of max­i­mum 60API requests per minute.